סיכום טיפול חולי קורונה מרופאי טיפול נמרץ באנגליה
Forwarded by a UK intensivist: i have just finished a very useful ICU / NHS teleconference, the aim of which was to consolidate experiences about CV19 and how best to manage the disease. I have provided a summary below. Please understand that the information is experience, not evidence. I think it highlights a number of […]
דילמות אתיות עכשוויות בסיעוד
מאמר בעיתון "האחות בישראל" מרץ 2019
Oxford Desk Reference
Oxford Desk Reference: Critical Care Free chapters released in e-book including: Respiratory therapy, monitoring and drugs Cardiovascular therapy, monitoring and drugs Resuscitation Infection/inflammation Link